Symposium on microscopic

characterization of the solid/liquid interface

Getting to the Symposium by public transport is simple.
Using the table below, choose the most convenient train for you on the Milan Centrale - Tirano route.
Please tell us how many of you there are and your arrival time in Tirano.
Get on the train and upon your arrival in Tirano you will find a member of the organization to welcome you and take you to your destination

Train no. Departure from Milano Centrale Arrival to Tirano
2812 06.20 08.52
2814 07.20 09.52
2816 08.20 10.52
2818 09.20 12.05
2820 10.20 12.52
2824 12.20 14.52
2826 13.20 16.05
2828 14.20 16.52
2832 16.20 18.52
2836 18.20 20.52
2838 19.20 21.52


The Scientific committee The Local committee
Gianlorenzo Bussetti - Klaus Wandelt Mario Da Prada